Family Permits

Family Permits

At Lex Solicitors, our specialist immigration solicitors will assist you with every step of your application and will ensure to examine your application, so the Home Office do not refuse your application in which will save you costs and time.

The numbers of EEA nationals who are living in the UK has only been rising from when the UK had voted to leave the EU. From assessing government data, the effect of Brexit displays that the numbers with Italian, German and French nationals have increased significantly and many are applying for a British Citizenship.

With family permits, there are two types. They are:

  • EEA family permit
  • EU Settlement Scheme family permit

You may be able to get a family permit to come to the UK if both of the following apply:

You must be outside the UK to apply for a family permit.

There is no charge with the right and status of EU citizens that are living in the UK at present up until the 30th June 2021. You are eligible to apply for an EU Settlement Scheme.

EEA Family Permit

When applying for an EEA family permit, you must establish you are a close or an extended family member of either an EEA or a Swiss citizen.

To satisfy for a ‘close’ or an extended family member, it must be established that you are of the following;

  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Cousin
  • Nephew
  • Niece

You could also be eligible for an EEA family permit if one of the following is established:

  • If you display as a ‘derivative right of residence’ – This would apply if you are a carer of an individual who has a right to be in UK, the carers child, or if you are the child of an EEA national who has formerly undertaken employment in the UK.
  • If you have lived in a different EEA country with a member of your family who was British, you would be able to make a ‘Surinder Singh’ application.
  • If you display as a ‘retained right of residence’ – You would be permitted to own the right of staying in the UK with a member of your family who is an EEA national has died, departed from the UK or if they were no longer your spouse / civil partner.

Get in touch with our specialist solicitors by booking a free initial consultation or you could contact us on 01204 387310 to gain more information on the services we can provide for you.

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